Dominic Howard (7 diciembre de 1977, Stockport, Greater Manchester, England)
Christopher Wolstenholme (2 de diciembre de1978, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, England)
Morgan Nicholls ( the fourth member of MUSE)
Sus destinos se unirán en Teignmouth, ciudad del condado de Devon, donde Matthew llega con 10 años, Dominic con 9 años y Christopher con 12 años.
Jill Bird fue profesora de Música del Teignmouth Community College y recuerda el virtuosismo de los tres alumnos (1990-1994):
Chris & Dom & Matthew -1994 (Grand Pier,Teignmouth)
Jill Bird fue profesora de Música del Teignmouth Community College y recuerda el virtuosismo de los tres alumnos (1990-1994):
"Matt and Dom were in an incredibly creative class. They all fed off each other. You only get that kind of thing once or twice in a lifetime. With a normal class, if I'd put something on that wasn't heavy metal, they'd moan. With them, I'd put on Chopin or Steve Reich, and they'd get into it."
"The boys were never satisfied with their compositions,... they always wanted to keep improving them, Chris particularly. What he was doing with his bass 16 years ago was genuinely pushing boundaries. I'd give him top marks and say: "Chris, this is already brilliant. I can't give you a better mark." He'd be: "But it's not right." To have such drive at that age was extraordinary."[Fuente información original Schoolteachers of rock- The Guardian]
Fixed Penalty + Gothic Plague (poster, Meadow Centre, Teignmouth, 1992)
Fixed Penalty + Gothic Plague (poster, Meadow Centre, Teignmouth, 1993)
Dominic comienza su andadura musical en la banda Carnage Mayhem, como batería; tras el abandono del guitarrista de la banda, se busca quien le reemplace y será la oportunidad de Matthew, que tocaba la guitarra pero no tenía grupo conocido. La banda cambiará el nombre por Gothic Plague. A comienzos de 1994, desavenencias entre los miembros hacen que finalmente solo sigan perteneciendo Matt y Dom. Conocían a Christopher, que era batería del grupo Fixed Penalty, le ofrecieron tocar el bajo y hacer coros, Chris aceptó y pasaron a formar una banda estable. Inicialmente continuaron como Gothic Plague, durante 'unas semanas' pasaron a llamarse Rocket Baby Dolls, pero ya en noviembre de 1994 son conocidos como MUSE.
Chris & Dom & Matthew -1994 (Grand Pier,Teignmouth)
20 years ago.
— Matt Bellamy (@MattBellamy) agosto 4, 2014
Phil Korthals es el descubridor y primer representante de MUSE, desde 1994-1999.
Hate This And I'll Love You Demo 1997
Sus inicios fueron a través de conciertos en diversos clubs de Devon, como el emblemático Cavern Club de Exeter.
MUSE- Cavern Club, Exeter
En 1998, gracias a los contactos con Taste Media (Sawmills Studio+ Safta Jaffery Producer Management), MUSE logra actuar en Londres. Además, sellos americanos empezaron a mostrar interés, y en noviembre de 1998 actúan en el CMJ Music Marathon (Mercury Lounge, New York City). Tras su éxito en Estados Unidos, regresarán de nuevo en noviembre, dieron un concierto en el muelle de Santa Monica. Mientras Europa se lo pensaba, el sello Maverick Recording Company firmó un contrato con MUSE el 24 de diciembre de 1998. Rápidamente se suceden los contratos europeos: Motor Music Records (Alemania), Naïve (Francia), y finalmente Mushroom Records (UK).
Matthew Bellamy & Tom Kirk & Dominic Howard
Concerts 1994-1998 (Graph, GoogleMaps)
MUSE Worldwide Tours EVOLUTION (1994-2014)
Influencias musicales reconocidas:
Primus, Jeff Buckley, Nirvana, Tom Waits, dEUS, Pavement, Deftones, Simon and Garfunkel, "spanish guitar", Helmet, Radiohead, Limp Bizkit, The Beach Boys, Aphex Twin, Robert Johnson, ...[]
1___ Álbum Showbiz, Muse debuta con este álbum en octubre de 1999. Producido por John Leckie.
Showbiz was Muse's debut album, having been recorded between 1998 and 1999. The songs themselves included some of the older songs in Muse's repertoir, dating as far back as 1996. All songs on the album had been witten by 1997. These were among the "fifty or so" that Muse had written before entering the studio. The band picked those which they deemed least progressive to make up Showbiz. John Leckie, who produced the album, started attending Muse's concerts in the latter half of 1998. Leckie was based at Sawmills recording studio, where owner Dennis Smith had given the band free recording time the previous year, from which the Muse EP resulted. He built up a relationship with the band during this time, coming to say that he'd want to work with the band if ever they could afford him. Leckie had not worked with any bands quite some time prior to doing so with Muse. The recording had finished by the 15th of May 1999. [ ]
MUSE "SHOWBIZ" Tour Itinerary Graph (GoogleMaps)
2___ Álbum Origin of Symmetry, 2001 .- Producido por David Bottrill and John Leckie.
Origin of Symmetry came first about through the changes Muse underwent during their intensive touring in promotion of Showbiz, with a lot of material written whilst touring. However, this album is more riff orientated and slightly darker than Showbiz, containing several songs which use piano or organ. Origin of Symmetry was intended as a more progressive rock-styled album, with different vocal styles than that of Showbiz. The ambition behind the album was to show the harder rock and eccentric elements of the band, that they felt had not been seen so far.This included bringing back a lot of music "filtered out" from Showbiz.The bass in the album is also more prominent and distorted. Some of the songs of the album draw influence from the band members' relationships suffering from the effects of them being on tour.The name of the album was inspired by the book Hyperspace by theoretical physicist Michio Kaku. It discusses how a future book about the discovery of supersymmetry should be entitled "The Origin Of Symmetry", due to its implications in physics, in reference to the explanatory impact Charles Darwin's "On The Origin Of Species" had on biology.[2] According to Bellamy, "everyone’s been writing about the origin of life so now they’ll start looking at the origin of symmetry; there’s a certain amount of stability in the universe and to find out where it originates from would be to find out if God exists.” [ ]
MUSE "ORIGIN OF SYMMETRY" Tour Itinerary Graph (GoogleMaps)
[]___ Álbum Hullabaloo Soundtrack, 2002 .- Producido por John Cornfield, John Leckie and Paul Reeve.
The Hullabaloo Soundtrack was released in accompaniment on the Hullabaloo DVD.
Includes a selection of B-sides used in the documentary of the DVD; and includes live tracks recorded at the Paris Zénith (gigs in 2001).
Photo Session ABSOLUTION
MUSE "ABSOLUTION" Tour Itinerary Graph (GoogleMaps)
4___ Álbum Black Holes and Revelations, 2006 .- Producido por Rich Costey
Includes a selection of B-sides used in the documentary of the DVD; and includes live tracks recorded at the Paris Zénith (gigs in 2001).
MUSE [Hullabaloo] Tour 2001_ Behind the Scenes
3___ Álbum ABSOLUTION, 2003 .- Producido por John Cornfield, Rich Costey and Paul Reeve
3___ Álbum ABSOLUTION, 2003 .- Producido por John Cornfield, Rich Costey and Paul Reeve
The album was recorded at Grouse Lodge Studios in Ireland and AIR Studios on London during 2003. The songs featured on Absolution were written whilst Muse toured in support of Origin of Symmetry and Hullabaloo. Like the previous Muse album, Origin of Symmetry, Absolution is influenced by classical composers such as Sergei Rachmaninov and Samuel Barber, whilst "Endlessly" introduces a more electronic sound with songs such as " The Small Print" and " Thoughts of a Dying Atheist" being guitar-led.[ ]
Photo Session ABSOLUTION
"ABSOLUTION" Album 3_ Tracks LIVE CONCERT videos
MUSE "ABSOLUTION" Tour Itinerary Graph (GoogleMaps)
4___ Álbum Black Holes and Revelations, 2006 .- Producido por Rich Costey
The album is less classically orientated than Origin of Symmetry and Absolution, while introducing new influences including jazz, soul and R&B. The varied influences on the album can be traced to the intial demos and recording made in the Château Miraval studio and the later recordings in New York City, where Matt DJed in a club and the band recorded the remaining songs in the Electric Lady Studios. Inspiration for the album was taken from a wide variety of other artists, from contemporary acts such as Lightning Bolt and Rage Against The Machine, to composer Ennio Morricone and jazz singer Nina Simone. []
The album is dedicated to The Memory of Helen Kirk.
Photo Session - Black Holes and Revelations
MUSE "BLACK HOLES AND REVELATIONS" Tour Itinerary Graph (GoogleMaps)
[]___ Álbum HAARP, 2007 .- Producido por MUSE
H.A.A.R.P. is a live album featuring recordings from Muse's two concerts at Wembley Stadium in 2007.[]
5___ Álbum The Resistance, 2009 .- Producido por MUSE
Muse's fifth studio album, The Resistance, was released on September 14th 2009. Like previous Muse albums it draws from a wide range of genres and influences, including glam rock, R&B, disco and classical. The Resistance sees the return of instrumentation previously used on Origin of Symmetry, including a church organ (Unnatural Selection) and llama toenails (United States of Eurasia). []
The band won the Grammy for Best Rock Album with The Resistance in 2011.Photo Session The Resistance
"THE RESISTANCE" Album 5_ Tracks LIVE CONCERT videos
MUSE "THE RESISTANCE" Tour Itinerary Graph (GoogleMaps)
6___ Álbum The 2nd Law, 2012 .- Producido por MUSE
The 2nd Law Album Cover
Chris Wolstenholme: Es el disco más experimental y, quizá, más comercial que hemos hecho hasta la fecha. Para nosotros, ha sido excitante. Después de más de 18 años, nos encanta probar cosas nuevas. La naturaleza de nuestra música siempre se ha aproximado al caos, pero en este último disco ese caos está más presente que nunca.
New Album: 1 October 2012 - MUSE - The 2nd Law!!!...
Photo: Recording Album 6
Making Of "THE 2nd LAW"
El 20 de mayo de 2012 transportaron la antorcha olímpica, London 2012, a su paso por Teignmouth (Devon), la ciudad que unió sus destinos.
SURVIVAL: Official song for the London 2012 Olympic Games (junio de 2012)
MUSE "THE 2nd LAW" Tour Itinerary Graph (GoogleMaps)
7___ DRONES 2015. Co-Producido por MUSE y Robert “Mutt” Lange
original post abelgaloisMUSE
Más información:
Public access MUSE discography
Matt Bellamy en el diván de la Prensa (entrevistas 2000/2013...)
MUSE 2012
Muse Awards
Muse Images Gigs
MUSE The Movie (2013)
Photo: Recording Album 6
Making Of "THE 2nd LAW"
"THE 2ND LAW" Album 6_ Tracks LIVE CONCERT videos
El 20 de mayo de 2012 transportaron la antorcha olímpica, London 2012, a su paso por Teignmouth (Devon), la ciudad que unió sus destinos.
SURVIVAL: Official song for the London 2012 Olympic Games (junio de 2012)
MUSE "THE 2nd LAW" Tour Itinerary Graph (GoogleMaps)
7___ DRONES 2015. Co-Producido por MUSE y Robert “Mutt” Lange
ALBUM 7 DRONES (08 June 2015) // Artwork by Matt Mahurin
El 18 de mayo de 2017 Muse presentó su nuevo tema "Dig Down".
MUSE realizará una gira en EE UU y Canadá durante 2017.
MUSE confirma que estará presente en festivales durante el verano de 2017.
Matt Bellamy: “To me, ‘Drones’ are metaphorical psychopaths which enable psychopathic behaviour with no recourse. The world is run by Drones utilizing Drones to turn us all into Drones. This album explores the journey of a human, from their abandonment and loss of hope, to their indoctrination by the system to be a human drone, to their eventual defection from their oppressors.”
2015 PSYCHO Tour UK
El 18 de mayo de 2017 Muse presentó su nuevo tema "Dig Down".
MUSE realizará una gira en EE UU y Canadá durante 2017.
MUSE confirma que estará presente en festivales durante el verano de 2017.
Durante 2018 realizaron algunos conciertos en festivales...
El 12 de julio de 2018 estreno mundial del documental con imágenes de su gira DRONES 2016.

El 15 de febrero de 2018 MUSE presentó el segundo tema, THOUGHT CONTAGION, que formará parte de su album 8.
El 19 de julio de 2018 Muse presentó su tercer tema, Something Human, del album 8, SIMULATION THEORY.
El 30 de agosto de 2018 Muse presentó su cuarto tema, The Dark Side
El 27 de septiembre de 2018 Muse presentó su quinto tema Pressure
El album 8 SIMULATION THEORY se publicó el 9 de noviembre de 2018.

El 12 de julio de 2018 estreno mundial del documental con imágenes de su gira DRONES 2016.
8___ SIMULATION THEORY 2018. Co-Producido por MUSE - Rich Costey, Mike Elizondo, Shellback and Timbaland.

El 15 de febrero de 2018 MUSE presentó el segundo tema, THOUGHT CONTAGION, que formará parte de su album 8.

El 19 de julio de 2018 Muse presentó su tercer tema, Something Human, del album 8, SIMULATION THEORY.
El 30 de agosto de 2018 Muse presentó su cuarto tema, The Dark Side
El 27 de septiembre de 2018 Muse presentó su quinto tema Pressure
El album 8 SIMULATION THEORY se publicó el 9 de noviembre de 2018.
9___ Will of the People WOTP 2022. Producido por MUSE
Will of the People WOTP
original post abelgaloisMUSE
Más información:
Public access MUSE discography
Matt Bellamy en el diván de la Prensa (entrevistas 2000/2013...)
MUSE 2012
Muse Awards
Muse Images Gigs
MUSE The Movie (2013)
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